Work Package 1 (WP1): Project Management

Participants: ARQ (coordinator) plus all partners.

Objectives of WP1

The main objective is to manage and to ensure coordination of efforts among all the partners to ensure effective operation of the project, timely delivery of the results as well as the adequate progress of the project. Furthermore, the management of the relations and the communication with the participants and the European Commission is something to take care of too. As specific objectives in the WP:

  • To define internal management procedures into a project management operating procedures handbook.
  • To perform both technical and administrative management at all stages in the project.
  • To organise meetings several times a year to hold technical and management board coordination meetings.
  • To ensure that the project is given a management level suitable to REA standards.
  • Coordinate the consortium to ensure coherent actions.

Description of work and tasks of WP1

Task 1.1 Consortium operating procedures definition [ARQ]

During the preliminary phase of the project, the project coordinator ARQ will elaborate a project management handbook for the project management and quality assurance, which will include guidelines for financial reporting, presentation standards for deliverables and reports to the European Commission.

Task 1.2 Administrative and financial management [ARQ, all partners]

This task will involve coordinating and managing administrative matters and giving administrative support to all partners, prepare administrative reports to the Commission, ensure financial management, ensure compilation of project deliverables, ensure periodic reporting and communication with EC services and project officer.

Task 1.3 Technical coordination [ARQ, all partners]

This task will carry out the overall technical coordination and will ensure the project is carried out as planned; this specific subtask will be in charge of the technical board leaded by the project technical coordinator. This will include taking any corrective actions needed to meet the plan, to coordinate internal project communication, meetings and workshops, to identify and manage technical risks.

Task 1.4 Consortium meetings [ARQ, all partners]

The Technical Committee meetings are scheduled each 6 months but will be arranged whenever necessary. The Project Management Committee meetings are scheduled once a year and at the same time as Technical Committees, but will also be called extraordinarily if necessary.

TASK 1.5 Statement of performance indicators [ARQ, all partners]

The main outcome of this task is the set of Key Project Indicators (KPI) and the target values for REACT. Partners involved will do an initially assessment of (i) preliminary objectives for the project, and (ii) the barriers to overcome.